Research Grants
- FGA (2008-2013) “Ergonomics of manufacturing systems”
- Piedmont Region (2009-2010) “Applicability of ergonomics in the workplace”
- INAIL (2011-2012) “A Toolkit for a holistic workplace risk assessment”
- FGA (2011-2013) “Virtual workplace optimization and ergonomic assessment”
- FGA (2013-2014) “Physical and cognitive design strategies for human workplace interaction”
- FCA (2015) “Manufacturing sustainability vs. environment, economic and social aspects (workplace ergonomics)”
- FCA (2014-2017) “Digital Human Modeling” (Ph.D. scholarship)
- FGA (2015-2017) “The Factory measures itself”, in collaboration with INAIL Research Center in Monte Porzio Catone (RM)
- FGA (2016-2017) “Manufacturing and social sustainability through exoskeleton-aided work”
The research group is part of the Politecnico di Torino consortium in the projects:
- European Union (2016-2022) “CASTLE- CAbin Systems design Toward passenger welLbEing”
- Piedmont Region (2017-2019) “HUMANS - HUman centered MANufacturing Systems”