The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) is the University's reference structure in the cultural areas of mechanics, aeronautics and astronautics and industrial bioengineering, for a wide spectrum of sectors linked to the typical manufacturing of an advanced industrial society, with activities ranging from the most classic to frontier domains.
DIMEAS promotes, coordinates and manages fundamental and applied research, training, technology transfer, community service and knowledge sharing activities in the fields of: land transport (vehicle and rail), aerospace (fixed and rotary wing aircraft , fluid dynamics, advanced and multifunctional composite structures and materials, aircraft and space vehicle design, propulsion, definition of missions, enabling systems and technologies), biomedical (medical devices in the orthopaedic, cardiovascular and dental fields, diagnostic tools, in silico medicine, biorobotics, regenerative and tissue engineering, smart environments for cell cultures, organ-on-chip, polymeric biomaterials, nutritional bioengineering, devices for the disabled, rehabilitation systems) and production in general (textiles, agri-food, components, mechatronics, automation , industrial and service robotics, production and transformation processes in general).
Condivisione della conoscenza
La tecnologia in casa: il microonde
Intervento in televisione - Vittorio Marchis, Doc. Storia della Tecnologia al Politecnico di Torino, spiega come funziona un forno a microonde.
Energia dal Mare: ISWEC, un progetto Mediterraneo
prof. Giuliana Mattiazzo
Team Policumbent - PulsaR GoPro testing & training
Team studendeschi
Team Policumbent realizza il nuovo record italiano velocità su veicolo a propulsione umana
Team studenteschi
Siamo Noi - Tra genio e creatività: ecco gli inventori d’Italia
prof. Vittorio Marchis
Department News
Seminar "Deep learning with MATLAB and Simulink for Automotive" by Ph.D. Paolo Panarese MathWorks – Academia Team
11:00 – 12:30 - Meeting room, 3rd floor - DIMEAS