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16th-17th February 2023

AGENDA M24 Consortium Meeting Fatigue4light

Agorà conference room - I3P

The research group guided by Prof. Paolino (DIMEAS) has organized the 24M project two days meeting (16th-17th February) of the European project Fatigue4light. Fatigue4light project aims at boosting the use of lightweight materials in Electric Vehicles' chassis and to develop new tests and computer simulation methodologies for electric vehicle chassis. In particular, methodologies for the estimation of the fatigue life of chassis components and for the selection of the optimal material, like advanced high-strength steels, special automotive stainless steels, high-strength aluminium alloys and hybrid metal-fibre reinforced polymeric materials for lighter vehicle chassis are developed. The achievable vehicle chassis weight is compared to the current solutions, taking into account eco-design and circular economy aspects.
The meeting, which is held on 16th February at the Agorà conference room at the I3P and is attended by representatives of all project’s consortium in person and online, included eight sessions to discuss the status of the project and comment the result obtained and the main ongoing topics and activities. The next steps and milestones to be achieved in the upcoming months have been also set up. The project partners will also visit the laboratories for advanced experimental tests on materials belonging to the DIMEAS.
The second day will be dedicated to the visit of the MW industry, a division of the CLN Group, market leader for steel wheels for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles, and of the Centro Ricerche Fiat (CRF) Laboratories of the Stellantis group.