Categoria: Seminari e Convegni
Stato: Archiviata
Febbraio - Marzo 2020

III Livello - Introduction to History of Science - prof. Caparrini

The course provides a broad overview of science and technology from the early modern world to the early nineteenth century and helps students to understand scientific development in historical context. This is more important than ever in a fast-changing world. Rather than exploring and analysing every detail, the course traces key historical milestones and conceptual changes in science, outlining as succinctly as possible the substance of the field. As an introduction to the history of science, the course hopes to make available to students the range of resources produced by historians of science.

Calendario lezioni:

  • 21 febbraio - 14-16 - Sala riunioni piano terra
  • 28 febbraio - 14-16 - sala Ferrari II piano
  • 6 marzo - 14-16 - sala riunioni III piano
  • 13 marzo - 14-16 - sala Ferrari II piano