Funded projects (eu / ministerial / regional / other bodies)

  • DynLab4JMat (INFRA-P Piedmont Region) (2018-2020): The goal of this project is to create a reference structure for the evaluation of the structural integrity of advanced joints and materials subjected to dynamic loading.
  • STAMP (Piedmont Region) (2016-2019): This project aims at developing and consolidating the Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies within the Piedmont industrial scene. The research group participates in the phase of mechanical characterization of the AM products by carrying out static and fatigue tests.
  • ARIES (EU – H2020) (2017-2021): Continuation of the EuCARD and EuCARD II projects, aiming at the development of innovative materials for particle accelerators, in both nuclear and civil fields.
  • EuCARD II (UE – VII PQ) (2013-2016): Continuation of the EuCARD project, aiming at a further improvement of the performance of the components and structures used in particle accelerators.
  • EuCARD (UE – VII PQ) (2013-2016): Project for the development of the structures of the CERN accelerators, the research group collaborated to the evaluation of the response of materials hit by beams of high-energy rays.
  • MACADI (MIUR) (2011-2016): Development of methodologies for the numerical simulation of impact events on composite structures. Specifically, the group collaborated to the study of an add-on ballistic protective structure for naval applications.
  • GREAT 2020 – Avio Aero (Piedmont Region) (2008-2013): Low-cycle fatigue testing at high temperature.
  • NEXT-MIRS – Pirelli (Piedmont Region Converging Technologies) (2008-2010): Subproject “Reliability analysis of components for the definition of the maintenance strategy”.
  • NGP - Meritor (Piedmont Region Call Misura II.3) (2012-2014): Research and development of innovative materials and design concepts for industrial vehicle axles. The group contributed to the design of innovative structures and the methodologies for material characterization.
  • FLEX-MECH – Comau (Piedmont Region - Ricerca industriale e/o sviluppo sperimentale nell'ambito dei sistemi avanzati di produzione – 2008) (2009-2012): New advanced mechanical systems for flexible and customized production.
  • Behaviour of bonded joints subjected to impact loading -– (2004-2006): Project funded by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research (PRIN).
  • Project funded by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Alessandria - Research calls Enterprise (2007-2008): Development of a new range of rotating caging machines for sparkling wine, Industrial partner Robino & Galandrino S.p.A., Canelli, (AT, Italy).
  • Project funded by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Alessandria - Development and dissemination of research, innovation and environmental protection in the local manufacturing system (2007-2008): Study and application of composite materials for the construction of trailer vehicles. Industrial partner Acerbi-Viberti S.p.A, Castelnuovo Scrivia (AT, Italy).
  • COMPASS (UE – V PQ) (2001 – 2004): A methodology for durability assessment of composite materials and structures under cyclic loads ( Project aiming at the experimental and FEM evaluation of the response of composite materials and components under cyclic loads. Specifically, the group collaborated to the fatigue characterization of hybrid composite materials having different fibre orientation and to the subsequent fatigue characterization of automotive parts fabricated with such composite materials.